Desk project, Step #1

I know my family probably has been wondering where I've been. (Hello family!) I'm normally on MSN messenger all day (because I'm normally in my office ALL day) But for the past week I've been trying to get the new office set up, so Messenger has been off. :( I'm feeling a bit disconnected & look forward to the time when there are no more boxes to move & no more wires to find under desks.

The main projects keeping me away from the computer is the project of making a custom desk for my new office. Why do I need a bigger desk? This was my desk .... (in my old office, also known as the spare bedroom)


I've had it since 1997. I brought it with me to University in 1998, and every summer it made its trek back to Toronto. And then come September the desk would travel back with me. I have used this desk well, and part of me is a little sentimental about outgrowing it, but it's time.

I may have someone helping me with my business come September, so the need for a larger work station was a high priority, which was the push behind this project.

Aubrey and I did a custom desk project, which I am going to resist posting pictures of JUST yet as I would like to show the "TA-DA!" picture - you know the one that is the "After" in a Before & After series.

Here is a little preview of what I used for the project....

making desk 1

In the next few days I'll have a post about the final desk. :)


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