How things began...

With talk of properly crediting people on blogs, I've always had the Rast Hack in the back of my head. So I am going to clear my conscience and show you. :) Read on.

In September 2008 I tackled a weekend makeover of some drawers. The Rast Hack. As I mentioned in my original post in 2008, it wasn't my idea, I was totally inspired by Style at Home Magazine. Since then, the hack has gone bananas and the original source, Style at Home, gets dropped. Since 2008 I never could find the original picture to show you (I had ripped it out and brought it with me to Lee Valley) Finally, a few weeks ago, I finally sent Lauren a note asking if she could find it. A few days later, she mailed it over to me, with a helpful little post it note on the page.

What I hadn't rememebered was that the hack was actually done by none other than Tamara Robbins Griffith.  Thanks to Lauren I can finally show you how this beauty started. Although I've always credited Style at Home Magazine I think a shout out to Tamara is in order....three years later. ;) I feel better finally being able to show you the image of where the IKEA Rast hack started.  Like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now go and makeover a Rast of your own.

Next to my own,  my favorite makeover is by Caroline here. I think it is so bright and cheerful. LOVE.


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