in love

Days like today make me smile. Maybe it was the combination of perfect weather, having Aubrey home from work (he normally works weekends) and the unstressful Holiday that Easter is, but the day was just perfect. The three of us just played and giggled all morning and in the evening we hung out with my Family.

I look at Oscar and can't beleive that he turns 11 months at the end of this week. And as I near his first birthday, I feel fortunate that I get to stay home with Oscar next year. I'm thankful that I have a job that I adore that allows me to stay home with him. (See my post on being a working Mom) I've just felt lately that my life seems perfectly balanced. And as I head off to bed, I'm reflecting on a wonderful day that I spent with my Mom, Dad, sister, brother and his girlfriend, my sweet husband and my sweet little son, I am just smiling. And sometimes that is worthy of a blog post.


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