how we spent our new years eve

7pm. Aubrey walks his little sister down the aisle.

9:30pm. My brother picks Oscar and me up from the wedding, and brings me back to my parents house. I put Oscar to bed in a spare room (I put a mattress on the floor) and slip into jeans. (But leave my gold sparkly top on.)

10 pm - We nibble on some food like my Mom's awesome finger sandwiches. I'm a sucker for finger sandwiches.
10:30: Play Scattegories. Awesome game.
11:45pm. Getting ready to ring in the New Year (Pictured below my little sister, brother, and his girlfriend Lindsay)

12:00 A.M : Aubrey has made it in time to ring in the New Year with me, so I get a kiss. :) The whole family honks our honkers from the dollar store as we wear our fancy hats. Mom breaks out the sparkling juice and we cheers to 2012.
12:45 A.M Wake Oscar for the drive back to our house
1:15 A.M Home
1:30 A.M Oscar and I snuggle in his bed, and fall asleep holding hands.

So many lovely photos to post, but alas, so little time. I hope you all had a lovely night with someone you care about. xo Linds


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