One Sink, One and a Half or Two?

I knew a kitchen renovation meant we had a lot of design decisions to tackle - what cabinets, what counter tops, hardware, and so on. However I hadn't appreciated how hard it would be to make certain decisions that at first glance seem, well, obvious. Like sinks. Right now the question in our house is about about how many basins to have.

We currently have 1.5 sinks in our kitchen and I rarely use the second little sink. I actually find it quite awkward. So I've been debating whether we should go with just one. I really like the Blanco line and the top three are new which have caught my eye. I like the straight lines, it is modern, but still fits in with our traditional kitchen plans. It's a toss up between the one large sink, and really, the one and a half (much like we already have now). I don't think we have room for 2 large sinks. What do you have and what do you love about it? Hate?

Update: Thanks for Kristen for pointing out that Carol Reed had this great post on sinks. Love Carol's informative posts!


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