cottage life

We're back from a little getaway to the cottage. It was lovely. Here are some shots of the cottage experience itself. Later on this week I'll share some awesome antiquing spots, my finds, and an awesome craft I did that is super easy. But for now, some shots of the cottage. I'm off to do laundry. ;-)  xo Linds

PHOTOS: [1] My bedroom is right by the water - I fall asleep to the sound of light waves hitting the shoreline. It's the most relaxing sound. [2] Our family loves the water. I'm on the other hand a little terrified of boats after a boating accident as a child. One day I'll get back into it. [3] Oscar lived on our little beach while we were there - finding frogs, finding rocks, swimming [4] The carpeting is my favourite at our cottage, although Mom is talking about maybe giving the cottage a face lift (including new carpet) [5] Near the end of the stay it got rainy - no complaints here. My favourite thing is to read by a fire [6] I picked up a new light yellow duvet from HomeSense for my bedroom - I've fallen for quilts vs. duvets. And HomeSense seems to have beautiful ones lately.


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