Ranarp Lights from Ikea

A few weeks ago I was at Ikea looking for the Ranarp clamp light for Oscar's room, when I happened across the Ranarp work light. For some reason I felt it necessary to grab two work lights to just "try" out at home - originally intending to put them into my office. It turns out that they found a home in our bedroom.

I was unsure about the look for a few days, wondering if they looked too much like work lights, but in the end I've come to the conclusion that they are a welcomed addition of modern into a room that has a lot of "traditional". So it's a nice juxtaposition. Also, they sit on our Rast Hack - It's an Ikea side table party over here.

Now I just have to time my next Ikea visit so I can actually go on a day that they have the clamp lights in stock. Those babies are hard to get a hold of.


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