Thank you!


I'm having a dumb day over here. Because of my lack of coffee intake, I couldn't figure out how to register on the House&Home website to say thank you (need-coffee-to-function), so I wanted to say thank you to Trish Snyder over at House & Home for mentioning our little blog in her "Great Canadian Blogs Volume 2" post. Obviously, it's pretty fun to know people like our blog, we're having a great time over here, and it's nice to know we have some regular visitors. But we're truly honoured to be mentioned along some amazing blogs that I truly admire, so to be noted in a post with them, was what delighted me. If you're new to reading our blog, welcome! And you can read more about us here. And thank you again to Trish, as it was such a nice surprise to see our blog mentioned!


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