Revisiting that spare bedroom....

So, our spare bedroom is getting a little change of names. As of next June, it will have a different name....It will be our Nursery. :)

design plans
(Nursery Inspirational pictures)

It's with great excitement that Aubrey and I announce the upcoming arrival (in June) of our first baby! :-)

Now you can understand the lack of projects - I've been falling asleep every night at 7pm. :)

Since I found out I was pregnant, a lot of things have changed in the house, but I didn't want to show you as I wanted to be able to fully explain WHY we're changing things. Also, once I found out I was "with child" a lot of my previous design decisions no longer were sitting well. Some people have aversions to food when pregnant - I, on the other hand, started having aversions to colour. (Yes, colour).

Anyhow, more to come soon, but I wanted to announce the change in design plans!


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