Before I forget, we also picked up a mattress for the crib at the same time...
I ended up getting the Health Assure Mattress from Dear-Born. It has an unbleached organic cotton cover. It's extra firm on one side (for babies, as pediatricians recommend a firm mattress to prevent SIDS) but you can flip it for the toddler years as it's made from "soothing muscle relaxing Memory Viscose Foam". Man, this baby has a better mattress than I do.
First step....figuring out the pieces.
Mak the Cat was interested in the process.
All the activity started her going....
And she started doing "sillies".
Last night, we also finished the dresser...
After (Ok, I still need to fix that missing decorative trim at the bottom left)
I repainted the top in white, because, well, that is what we had stock of in the basement, and I replaced the old knobs with new glass knobs from Lee Valley. I also took a bar of soap to the joints of the drawers to help them open and close better. Super easy + does the trick. :)
And here is the current state of the room. It is obviously a work in progress, but it is nice to have some major pieces in the room.
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