Look up, Waaaaay Up

Aubrey's Mom hosted a baby shower for me this past weekend, for the ladies of the family. And look what greeted me upon walking in....


A gift from My Mom and my little sister. I guess I talked a lot about this guy. ;) I won't lie, I almost cried I was so surprised and excited!* Aubrey apparently knew that my Mom was getting him, and the fact that he kept it a surprise is pretty darn amazing.

He hasn't made his way into our house yet (he won't fit into a Mini Cooper even with his head out the sunroof) So Mom is dropping him off this week.

Gotta love Moms & little sisters. :)

Ps., So what's the big deal with the giraffe? You must read all of our blog posts on the nursery to see the giraffe making MANY appearances. :) I was a little obsessed.


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