Baby Wearing + Giveaway

One thing that has surprised me since having Oscar is my parenting style. Before having him, I didn't give much thought to our philosophy, or views on how to raise a happy healthy child.  For example take the term baby wearing - something that I initially heard from my good friend Stephanie but brushed it off. At the time I felt that any parenting style that was labeled seemed too precious and forced. But, since having Oscar, it worked its way into our lives as it just seems right to us.  I haven't packed up my stroller - it will come back out this spring for nice long walks along the boardwalk, but the carrier has been a great addition to our lives.

Oscar was content in the Boba Carrier for 3+ hours as I watching Aubrey play football in the snow
Oscar loves being carried, doesn't cry when he is in one, and calms down the minute I put him in. That is enough for me to love it.  Back during Mommy week I talked about the Ergo carrier and got to give one away. Fast forward to recently and I got to test the a Boba carrier. I'll be honest. It's hard to knock the Ergo because it was the carrier that changed our lives, but the Boba is the one I'd now recommend as my favourite.

Why I love it - The similarity between both carriers is that the legs hug the wearer (me). Instead of like in a Baby Bjorn where the legs dangle. However what makes me love the Boba is that (1) The Boba has a more generous waits band making it a more comfortable fit for my hips (2) the fabric feels softer and more plush (3) The height of the carrier is slightly taller, making me feel like Oscar is better supported and (4) The Boba also has little foot straps so his feet won't dangle when he is older. Like the Ergo the Boba can be turned into a back carrier, and like the Ergo it goes up to 45 pounds (See a chart on comparing the Boba to the Ergo)

Really in the end, it is the fact that the baby is close to you that I think is the best thing. Since I loved the Boba so much, the team at Boba want to give you the opportunity to have one as well so you too can experience the joys of baby wearing.

Enter to Win a Boba Organic 2G Carrier ($118 US) in your choice of Walnut, Pine or Chestnut. Open to Canadian and US residents. One entry per household please! (To make it fair for everyone)

How to Enter: Visit Boba's website and tell me what your favourite colour of carrier is.

Bonus Entry: "Like" Boba Carriers on Facebook. Do a second blog reply telling me you did so + include what your full name is, so if your name is drawn we can verify you "Liked" them. (I do check!)

Contest over! Will be drawing name shortly, so check back for the winner on Monday afternoon
Winner Drawn! It was #63 and that is Brooke! Brooke I will shoot you an e-mail but if you read this before I get a hold of you, then shoot me an e-mail to aubreyandlindsay[at] Congrats!


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