Week Recap

Here are somethings that happened this week that didn't make it into blog posts....
  • I'm working on some new prints, and am figuring out some new ways to photograph my artwork.
  • We are going ahead with website redesign for my business site,. It won't be a big shift in design but a needed update.
  • Tuesday, my Mom and I went to the Elmwood Spa (Pic 2.) here in Toronto and experienced the best massages, facials as well as customer service. It was a needed break, and I got to spend some quality time with my Mom.   
  • I'm still searching for the perfect rug for our Living Room. (Picture 3 + 4)
  • I've been reading the 3rd installment of Grace's posts on the Alt Summit and social media etiquette. (Pic 1) It sparked some great conversation between Erin and I as we had our Thursday afternoon coffee date with the babies.
  • Oscar (Pic. 5) popped his first tooth - one of his bottom middle teeth in the last 3 weeks and another one looks like it is on its way up. He has realized that he can get places by moving himself which is changing how we do things!
  • I was asked a series of questions by Barbara (Pic 6) to kick start her "So Canadian, eh?" series on her blog, take a peek! Brittany did a sweet post of her favourite project from our house over on Gallery No. Eight. It's always fun to see our house on other blogs.
Last but not least, thank you for all that gave me awesome feedback and encouragement with ideas on what to feed Oscar. Although I didn't reply to each of you just know that I am reading each comment and appreciate the time each person took to share.


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