christmas tree

We got our tree! Initially we were going to go out into the wilderness and cut one down - then reality hit and we drove around the corner to Loblaws. Yup. That's how we roll.

I told Aubrey I wanted to keep it simple this year and asked that we get a small tree. But whenever we showed Oscar a tree he would shake is head (or hand at us) and say "Tooo small!" or "Tooo short!" We were in stitches laughing - to hear a little 2 year old shout out commands is hilarious. Anyhow, we ended coming home with a rather large tree for our rather small living room. And I love it.

I decided to put the tree in the pass through between the living room and dining room as we rarely use that passageway. This means that the living room is still usable for Oscar to play, or room for Mak, our rather large cat, to roll around in. With the leftover lights, Oscar and I had some fun in his room this morning.  I'm feeling a much more festive with the tree in. Which is nice. :)

*Loblaws has a huge assortment of trees. We got ours for $20. Ikea also has a program on for Christmas trees. So nice that you can find affordable trees for the house.
Update: Aubrey corrected me. We got our tree for $25. 


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