The adventures of Sunday morning

Sunday morning started a wee bit earlier than we had anicipated so we packed into the car and headed to the Sunday Antique Market at the St. Lawrence Market. Aubrey works Sundays, and so with only a few remaining Sundays off before he goes back to work, we decided to make it an outing. It was so muggy out, but we had fun with Starbucks in hand.

We found this huge gold frame that was originally $45 - but she reduced it to $30 that morning (or so she said), and I nicely bargained it to $15. We liked it, made an offer, and ta-da, we walked away with it.


I thought that it would be awesome as a chalkboard/bulletin board, you can never have too many of those. And for $15, it was hard to pass up. We get it back to the car and Aubrey puts his Tetris skills to use. The picture actually says alot about the day.

(1) Aubrey realizing that this may be a bit trickier than we thought (2) Our new acquisition (3) Our new car. We're now a 4 door family, and the Mini Cooper went bye-bye. It was so ackward getting in a car seat into a 2 door car. (4) Quilt/Duvet that I stole (temporarily) from the cottage to see if the colour was right. It wasn't. So it was in the car to be returned to my Mom (5) Oscar - the reason why we were up so early, fell asleep again the minute we got into the car, and for 4 hours after. *sigh* (6) What we needed to stay awake (7) My favourite blankets (found here)

blog_closeup of frame

Anyhow, we did get it home.


The kitchen is a possible place.


Or in my office.

I'm sure it will move around until it finds the perfect home. ;)


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