Interior Design Gala, Kick off dinner

This weekend is the Interior Design Show here in Toronto. To kick off the festivities 50 design bloggers and people from the Interior Design community got together for a fabulous dinner organized by Meredith Heron and Sonya Kinkade. This was one good looking bunch --- No wonder CityLine came to film.

Held at the fabulous Nota Bene it was an evening to remember. Since it was so busy and in a relatively small space, the majority of the evenings socializing (at least for me) was done from our seats during dinner. Around me I was seated with some amazing people - the awesome Lauren McPhillips and Margot Austin from Style at Home MagazineMary Taggart, the Editor for Ottawa at Home Magazine, Designer Kimberly Seldon, Arren Williams and Sonya Kinkade ...and these were just the people I was sitting beside! A few times I paused and just looked around at the guests, took a deep breath and let the moment sink in. It was surreal to be surrounded by so many people I admired and really just liked as people. Everyone else continued on to the Interior Design Show Gala afterwards, however I stepped outside, hailed a cab and happily headed home to a comfy bed and little Oscar who was waiting for me. Coming up are some photos from the IDS. xo

Photos....(1) Kimberly Seldon being filmed as she tweets (2) The venue, Nota Bene (3) The hilarious Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault (4) Margot Austin and Lauren McPhillips (5) Tracy Moore, host of Cityline filming (6) The camera guy...oh my goodness, I forget his name!


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