Wall colour .. *gasp* I said colour

Thanks for your awesome feedback and high fives on our trim project. Nothing beats posting something to come back to find super nice comments. So thank you! We have to take a pause in our trim project as Aubrey has to go back to work. We hope to finish the trim by next Wednesday. In the meantime, I'm debating colour.  Ok, so I freely admit that my idea of colour is different than many people's...I enjoy soft muted colours. So let's tackle some inspirational photos. First up, Nate Berkus. Ok...so this is a colour. I could go bold and do this. (You are laughing over on your end of the computer at the fact that this would be considered bold for me...I know it) I think it is stunning.

And had I know Jen was going to go hang out with Nate, I would have told her to bring my Benjamin Moore paint deck to try to match the colour. (Kidding)
Photo Credit the Los Angeles Times
But again there is the original inspirational photo by Carol Reed. The photo on the left has a soft blue tone to it which is right up my alley as I'm much more drawn to the cooler colours than warm tones. (Remember the kitchen bench disaster - that was when I realized I always should stick to the blues and greens in the house)

Decisions, decisions. Maybe I'll find some inspiration at the Toronto Interior Design Show this weekend.


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