Saturday with Oscar

It was a busy Saturday, Oscar and I bundled up all warm and cozy to go watch Aubrey and his friends play in their Annual Winter Football game. Saturday morning it had snowed a lot, so I was slightly concerned about Oscar getting too cold, but I put Oscar in his carrier, he lasted a full 2 hours being held, and slept for most of the time. It's amazing really. I love my stroller, but these carriers are awesome - Oscar just calms down the minute he gets into it. After the game, Oscar and I went to my Parents house and Aubrey continued on with friends. This is where Oscar got to play with my little brother, his Uncle Pete.
I was cracking up last night looking at the series of photos. Peter's face goes from amused, to not so amused. Not because of Oscar but more likely because I have my camera in his face.
Home by 9pm. Asleep by 9:02...


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