Bits & Pieces

Happy Friday! It has been a pretty productive week. I got in some gym time (or steam room time), a lot of hours in for work, got a shopping day in with my Mom, thrift shopping with Oscar, got some good night sleeps thanks to the fact that Oscar is starting to feel better and made a small dent in e-mails that needed my reply. I have some painting projects on the go and am redecorating some rooms of the house AND wrapping up the bathroom. Whooo-wee! (I've obviously had WAY too much coffee today) Finally. Anyhow, here is my weekly "Bits & Pieces" of what didn't get blogged about.
  • I go crazy with the hastags on Instagram so this video made me giggle. 
  • Website : Terrible Real Estate Agent Photos
  • I've pumped up the "Popular Posts" section on my blog - which you wouldn't see if you read my blog via a blog reader so I thought I'd point this out so you can find a lot of posts from the archives. If I'm missing a post that should be in the roundup, let me know!
  • Like the movie "The Little Mermaid"? You'll want to see these clips
  • Although I love Zulily, I find shipping to Canada unfortunately high. It works out to be ok if you have credits you can use, but otherwise shipping is restrictive for Canadians. I've recently discovered Beyond The Rack and they have flat rate shipping of $11 to Canada. Has anyone bought from them before? Good? Bad? 
*Pssst. Affiliate Links are used in this post.


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