weekend up north

Aubrey, Oscar and I snuck away to the cottage last week. We managed to get in a few quiet days together to enjoy the crackling fire, collect acorns and look at the stars at night. A few days after we arrived my family joined us and we worked together to shut down the cottage for winter. There were seven of us in a small little cottage - and it was the best time. There is something about family - they just get you. ;)

Here are some snapshots I took over the weekend - the last one is one of my favourites from the weekend. Although I'm squinting and Aubrey is unshaven and in grubby clothes from moving boats and packing a garage - it is my favourite photo of the two of us - I think it's his arm around my neck - and that smile of his. I love when a photo captures a moment in time like this. Anyhow, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and if you celebrated Thanksgiving like we did - that you had a lovely time. xo Linds


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