more wool blankets.

I found another wool blanket while thrift shopping. I feel like I should mention that I don't thrift shop 24 hours a day. I just go at night when Aubrey gets home from work so I can just have some alone time and clear my head after a day of running after Oscar. I generally just hit up one Value Village, walk around and come back empty handed. But lately I've found some pretty fun stuff. Like blankets.

In my defense I don't have this colour as part of my collection so I felt that it was ok to bring it home with me. I love blankets - I'm one of those people that sleeps with the window slightly open in the dead of winter as it's so nice having the chilly air while snuggled under some cozy layers. I brought it home and popped it into the wash - a cold setting and gentle cycle. We have top loading machines which isn't ideal - I worry that they may ruin these but so far it hasn't and, well. I have no other option. So cold wash, gentle cycle and hang to air dry. And as someone mentioned in the comments awhile back - they smell pretty funky when coming out of the wash. That's just the wool. While it was washing that night, I sat down with my new House & Home magazine and turned to this page....

So there you have it. It's ok to be a blanket hoarder. I was debating where to put my new blanket, but when I came home on Tuesday night .....

Oscar had claimed the new blanket as his own. (This is storytime in our house - reading under a blanket with a flashlight.) Anyhow, the blanket is now Oscar's.

I think I'm almost done my collecting of blankets. Maybe.


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