Bear Chairs

Bear Chairs, Muskoka chairs, Adirondack chairs ... they all refer to my favourite chairs of the summer. They remind me of the cottage as for over 20 years, they have been the chair of choice on our dock and by the campfire.

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(Our dock with our favourite chairs of the summer)

When my Mom told me that Costco had Bear Chairs instock for $58 each, I asked her to pick me up some the next time if there any were left. And a few weeks ago, I got a phone call from her standing in Costco telling me they were in stock. Although adding projects to our to-do list isn't something I aim to do 3 weeks after baby, it was worth the buy.

bear chair kit (1)

I was also delighted to see that the Muskoka chair was #1 by Style at when they did a round up of the Perfect Cottage chair, and I couldn't disagree. (Below)


Being in the Beach area of Toronto, Bear Chairs are not uncommon on front porches. Maybe it's just me, but I find that certain areas of the city dictate landscaping and curb acceptability. What goes as acceptable in one area, may not be perceived as in good taste in another. So although "Bear Chairs" on porches in the Beach are the norm, I haven't seen many in Leaside, North Toronto, or the West End. In our area, these chairs are quite common on verandas and porches.

I didn't think I'd be a front porch "sitter" but I've come around. With Oscar, it's nice to sit out there and talk with neighbours in the summer. Here they are in their unfinished.

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Notice our ugly carpeted porch in this picture? A future project is to replace the deck and add a railing in. But that's for another day.

I've bought some stain, Inukshuk by Benjamin Moore. That's todays project, pending I can find a paintbrush and a moment to myself. ;)

Sources: Bear Chairs from Costco, Manufacturerd by The Bear Chair Co.


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