Inexpensive Art

Whenever I go to the book store, I tend to head straight for the sale tables to look to see if any art books are on sale, that I could take some pictures & turn into framed art. Truthfully I haven't been very lucky, usually the art books that are there are strange works (no wonder they are on sale) However, last night I spotted this...


I'm a HUGE fan of Maurice Sendak, which he's most well known for "Where the Wild Things Are" but many may know him for other books like In the night Kitchen, Brundibar, he's also the illustrator behind Little Bear Books that I grew up reading. This, is also, just a tid-bit of titles that bare his name. So I was absolutely estatic when I saw this book, which I likely would have picked up even if it wasn't on sale. However, see the red sticker? 75% off!!! And it was an additional 10% off if we were a loyalty card member, which Aubrey is. So it was 85 pecent off....and the inside was full of beautiful work.

The book, hardcover and filled with full pages of beautiful work, came to under $8.00. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it's on sale online - only available to pick up in the store.




Not sure if we had a girl, if this work would appeal to the room design but it seems to fit with little Oscar. Just a matter of picking some favourites and finding some room in the nursery. (Which is STILL being worked on!)


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