We finally found hardware that we liked for the sink. Finding the right faucet was harder than I thought. I kept thinking that a lot of faucets look like Cedric Sneer from the TV Show "The Racoons". (Take a look at the Pink Guy - you'll see what I mean) But when I saw this one, I felt as though it was timeless and perfect for the house. It took me forever to find a handle set I liked, and since this set was *just* over our budget, so we caved. It's the Delta Dryden set.
I simply adore it. Now, we have the following to do in the near future...
1) Anyone know how to hide that stupid thing? I think I may have to buy a really beautiful garbage bin to hide it - but really - anyone else encounter this?
2) Window Coverings - Do we simply add film on the windows to hide us from the outside, giving us a modern look, or do we go with beautiful romans in a fabric. Decisions, Decisions. For now, the paper is working just fine.
3) Somewhere other than the ledge for this paper roll
4) Mirror - I would have prefered to do a square but in the design process we totally miscalcultaed where that electrical outlet went and so I don't think it will work. Ughh. I'm so irritated that I missed this when we were in the building stage. It's a bit of a sore spot in our household.
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