Etsy Shop - Hudson & Co

Hudson & Co on Etsy
I love Etsy for one of a kind home finds like my Brass Deer that I showed you (From Etsy Shop HavenVintage) and I also just snagged some awesome pieces from High Street Market (Etsy Shop Here) which I will show you in a little bit. But for us Canadians, the only downside to these awesome shops are that shipping rates to Canada are expensive. My good friend Erin who has amazing taste and skills at finding treasures started a new Etsy shop called Hudson & Co that I have a feeling will be the Canadian version of the popular US shops. So, for us Canadians, the shipping rates will be a bit more appealing. :) I've shown three of my favourites above, but since I did the image she added more awesome things so I recommend popping on over.  Now is the time for shopping to beat those Holiday deadlines by Canada Post. :)
Visit Hudson & Co on Etsy here


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