Saturday Recap + hint for giveaway

Projects around our house has taken a wee break. It seems like almost in a split second the Holidays hit and we're fully booked with Holiday gatherings. Mix in the fact that in our family there are a few December birthdays (and my 1/2 Birthday) ... it seems like every other day there is something. And it's all fun!

Starting this past weekend we fulfilled yearly traditions - We attended 2 Christmas Parties, our Tree Decorating at my Parents (my Brother, Sister and I still get together to do it for my Parents) and celebrated Aubrey's Birthday.

Above - Our Family Tree decorated by all of the "kids". (A Pickle has also made its way onto the tree!) On the right, I wanted to show you my awesome new diaper bag from Petunia Pickle Bottom but also the gorgeous orange quilt that was from my Grandmothers, that Oscar plays on now when we go to my parents.

We were quite excited that Oscar got to meet Santa but he freaked out when we put him on his lap. ;)

Hidden in this post is a clue to  a giveaway that I have for you continuing my Holiday gifts for everyone. :) Can you guess? (No, I'm not raffling off Oscar)


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