Hostess, Friend Gift Under $5.00

There are many we wanted to give gifts to, who had touched our lives this year. And although we couldn't do everyone, we could do some...Here is my little trick for a sweet gift...

Get a creative container (we used clear acrylic boxes from Creative Bag.around $2.00 each)
Fill them with wrapped candy from the Bulk Food Store (Around $3.00 worth of candy in each box)
Accent with a festive ribbon and slip in our Family Christmas Card.
Total cost under $5.00 each. It still adds up if you have tons of people to give them to, but it's a nice little present that has a lot of love in it.

I used ribbons that I had already (I loooove ribbon) so that I didn't account into the cost. 

Here is our card this year (one side of it).


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