Time to grab Christmas Ornaments

I'm not a huge Boxing week person. Truthfully I'm tiered of stores and shopping by the time it rolls around. However, it IS the best time to pick up ornaments as they are usually 50% off.

I picked up these two ornaments today at Nesters/Chalet on Queen. Our tree has a underlying bird theme so whenever I spot a bird I like I tend to grab it. The bird was actually glued onto a box, but I sliced the nest off the box to make it a super cute tree ornament. And the sheep - well, he was too cute not to grab (although not sure he is all that Christmasy?) But he was marked 50% off in the Holiday section.

Since I only usually buy special ornaments that jump out at me, we will take awhile to have a full tree decorated, but it means that all that is on the tree is loved and cherished. Anyone else grab some ornaments on sale? I think *most* of mine have always been end of season purchases.


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