Weekend Updates

Although we've been lacking on the blogger updates, much is happening on our end. The main priority this past weekend was us focusing on our jobs (which come first, and pay the bills!) However .... We have done a lot of shopping over the weekend, for some exciting things. (and thus, we spend the money that we have been making at our jobs)

For those that are interested (but mainly for our own journaling/documenting purpoases) we will recap the past few days...

We bought the paint for the basement - We're going with Oxford White by Benjamin Moore. My Mom is coming to help me paint this week, but that will only happen if this humidity in Toronto goes away. Rain, Rain and more rain has made it unappealing weather to paint. Fingers crossed!

As you know, our car doesn't fit much, so amazing friends lent us their van for the weekend to allow us to do some trips to Home Depot to avoid having to rent the Home Depot Vans (which we have rented, and are VERY handy). But the $20.00 rental fees add up, and well - lets just say we're REALLY thankful for the generocity of our friends with the van. :) (Hello K&A if you're reading this!)


We were able to buy, because of the van, all of the flooring for the basement! Now this is pretty exciting, the fact that we're at this stage. It seems like yesterday our floor was bumpy concrete, and then a pile of dirt. :)

So paint has been purchased, flooring + trim has been purchased, and the next step is to finish installing the pot lights (will be done by Tues pm) and then we're ALMOST there on the basement! :)


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