Canadian Artists

Happy Sunday afternoon.

Over here I'm cleaning, reorganizing. I'm still in my PJs. It is a beautiful lazy, sunny Sunday afternoon. I have the classical channel playing in the background, my coffee is almost gone, and I'm moving around art in my studio and tidying up little things that I always seem to put to the side. It seems like a perfect day to do a post on art. :)

It was over this past week when our living room got a jolt of "new" (by reusing old) that I started to start envisioning art once again for our home. I recently talked about my love of Sarah Merry, and there are a number of other artists in our "wish list" of whom we would like to add. So here are 2 more Canadian Artists that I wanted to write about.


david grieve

David Grieve is an artist that both Aubrey and I would love to add to our home. His work hangs in our family's home, and I am often captivated by his work. His work reminds me of Van Gogh - impressionist in style. When you see his work in person, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't do what I do - getting up close to the canvas, admiring the thick layers of paint. His paintings also are extremely close to my heart as they remind me of Canadian landscapes - the beautiful changing trees that I adore so much at our cottage just outside of Toronto.

david grieve 2

Both of the paintings I've shown are showcased on The State of the Art Gallery website (here) but David has his own website that I recommend visiting to see if there are gallery's in your area that have his work.

Kate Schutz

Kate Schutz _art_2

Kate Schutz _art

A newer artist I found is Kate Schutz, a Calgary artist whose work is absolutely fantastic. (website Here) I adore the above photo with the cake. It reminds me of a vintage photo you'd see in someones photo album. Don't you wonder who the cake is for?
Links to Kate's website, and her blog

Anyhow, back to cleaning. But....I have 2 other artists that I want to show you, but I'll save that for another Sunday afternoon read. :)


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