Annabelle Hydrangeas

When we were renting, I used to walk around our old neighbourhood and picture our first house. And all of the houses I really thought looked "perfect" were houses that had front landscaping with Annabelle Hydrangeas. Strange, perhaps, but the houses looked like "family" homes with these flowers.

Since moving into our house, I have planted Annabelle's in both the front, and the back of the house. My favourite stage is when they are green, but right now they are white and so fluffy and wonderful. I think all of the rain has made this years crop huge, so I went out and thinned the backyard a little and have them now throughout the house. As you've picked up, I simply adore it when our house is filled with flowers. Our house, even lacking in furniture, feels warm and complete when we have blooms around.

Annabelle Hydrangea (3)
On our Kitchen Table

Annabelle Hydrangea (1)
2nd Floor Landing

Annabelle Hydrangea (2)
Little bouquets beside our bed

Sadly, like my other favourite flower the peony, these flowers don't last long once cut. They are very fragile, and for some reason, a focus for Mak the Cat. (I've caught her carrying around stems out of the vases a few times) Why do cats love certain flowers more than others? I swear Hydrangeas have some cat drug in them.

If you're looking to add some wonderful flowers to your garden the Annabelle is super easy to maintain, it just likes a lot of water.


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