Stalking neighbourhood yards

On the drive to my parents house, there are a few houses that always catch my eye becauce of their landscape design. On the drive up today, I snapped some quick photos for my inspiuration book. Here are 2 of my recent favourites......


I ADORE the juxposition of the formality of the boxwood that frames these wild purple flowers (any idea what they are?) Love it, simply love it. And I also love that it's symetrical, two identical arrangements on either side of the walkway.


And this, I again love the hit of lilac colouring, and in this case, boxwood framing in some Hydrangeas.


A close up.

I could only muster up the courage to stalk 2 yards.....if I get my courage back I'll snap some more later on. I don't know about you, but I felt kind of creepy photographing things from my car! ;)


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