His + Her Splurges

A simple post for a simple day over here. Quiet, and the sun is shining through all of our windows. I'm quietly working away in my office. But I had to take a picture of these....


I am just in love with these tulips. There is a combination of purple, pinks, and yellows. I like to buy a small bouquet of flowers at the flower shop down the street and split the bouquet into 2 small vases for beside our bed. For $7 each week it is my little splurge.

And then I was in the bedroom and realized I hadn't posted about this new addition. So we talked about MY splurging on $7 a week on a bouquet of flowers. And then there is Aubrey's splurging. ;)


Aubrey surprised me at Christmas with a TV for our bedroom. :)

With baby on the way, he realized that purchases for us will dwindle (and not likely be possible), so he did it without my knowledge. Why? Because I would debate the cost, fret, and feel guilty. So I'm glad he did it that way because I love it, and don't feel guilty. And when pregnancy yucks hits me at night, I'll curl up after a bath, and snuggle into the bed and watch old re-runs, or HGTV. It's my bliss. :)

And also in the picture is one of my favourite finds from Frontier Sales. This dresser was tucked away in a corner, and fit perfectly into our bedroom.

UPDATE: What I forgot to mention was that we did have a TV in the bedroom before - but it was a mama-of-a-tv and didn't look very nice. It stuck out like a sore thumb, which is why it never was photographed before. ;)


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