Shopping Trip

We went into Of Things Past , a huge consignment store on Monday when we did our little shopping trip around the city. I would consider it one of the more expensive consignment stores here in Toronto, but always worth a pop in, if you're in the area. We didn't leave with anything other than some fun pictures of pieces that I wish we either had the room, or budget for.

of things past toronto (1)

I just realized that my Mini has a twin in this picture! That is weird.

Of Things Past Toronto (2)

On the way out of the store I spotted these Chinese Chippendale Chairs at $520 for a pair. I'm not a connoisseur of these chairs, so the price is a little steep for my budget (maybe that is a good price?) but if they are still there in April, the price drops to $320 for the two of them

Of Thinsg Past Toronto (3)

Look at this daybed...It's $682 which I found to be a nice price considering the day bed is real wood, and that fabric is in great condition....and actually rather trendy. It's dropped in price from the original $1050.00. Wouldn't it be sweet in a little girls room, if the room was large? Ok, how about in MY room.

Ok, back to work. I just wanted to show you, in case either of these will work in your house!


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