Kitchen Bench, Sewing Complete

If you've been following our little blog, you will recall the storyline with our Kitchen Bench. I'll save you the boring details, but this project goes back 6 months to November 2009 when we decided to do a eat in bench, made out of Ikea cabinets. Loved the bench - Disliked the original fabric I did for the cushion (Post here).

So I'm ready to show you our *new* bench cushion.


Ta-da! Love it. Adore it. It's PERFECT.


Piping in the same fabric


There is a zipper along the back that allows me to take the cover on, and off.

After picking the *new* fabric (Dune, by Sunbrella, found at I brought the 8 foot long bench cushion to a Toronto store called MacFab. I had found out that the store had seamstress(es) on staff when I went in one day, looking for fabric for this bench. Although I didn't get my fabric from MacFab, I ended up bringing them the cushion to sew. I am REALLY happy with the quality of work they did and they did it within 9 working days.

For the record, Mom did offer, generously, to resew me a cushion cover, but she confessed she wasn't too comfortable with an 8 foot long zipper. When I thought about it, I really wanted a zipper for this cover as having the ability to take off the cover to wash it (sticky little fingers are in our future) would be well worth it.

Next up is adding some colour in some throw cushions. :)


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