When we bought the house it was in the winter, so the garden was all gray and gloomy. To my delight, when Spring rolled around, I realized that 2 of the big plants in our garden were actually Lilac Trees. It's a little tradition now for me, to always cut a few off and put them beside our bed, I simply adore the soft purple, and the aroma of these flowers. Sadly, they don't last very long. But I love this season as I can clip some fresh flowers from our garden at many different stages of Spring & Summer (Peonies, Hydranges and Roses) giving my wallet a little break from the flower shop at the corner. :)
Problem is, MakMak the Cat likes the flowers too, and has taken to "beheading" them.
It starts off with a chomp on the petal (see the top right) and now in the mornings I'll find that she's sometimes chopped the stems in half. No rhyme or reason. She just apparently likes to behead the flowers.
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