Baby Sleeping Sign & Free Download

We don't have a doorbell but instead a gorgeous brass knocker on our front door. Love the look, but people feel the need to whack it REALLY hard. Totally fine when everyone is in a cheery mood, awake, and playing. But when you feel like pulling out your hair because you JUST got the baby to sleep and someone goes and knocks like a maniac on the front door, I was ready to loose it.

door hganger

I just designed a friendly little note to hang on our front door. I put it up when I've put Oscar to sleep, and pull it off when he's awake. Ok. Sometimes I leave it up longer just to enjoy some peace + quiet amidst the political canvasing in our neighbourhood right now.

**Print your own!**
Click here to download it for your own use if you would like it. (I designed it in blue, and pink)


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