First, I found a fabric. It was perfect, but of course, it's one of the hardest types of fabric that involves seams and painstaikingly making sure lines are always straight.
I was almost deterred from picking this fabric when I realized how difficult it would be but I'm glad I took on the challenge. And if I can do it, seriously, anyone can. So, here is my note - Since I chose a pattern/stripe I had some extra steps that wouldnt be necessary if I had gone with a solid. So, a few of these steps wont be applicable to you use a single colour fabric.
I wanted the stripes vertical, which meant I needed to have a seam because the width of my headboard was going to be 77 inches.
The initial thought is to have a seam in the middle, but after consideration I decided to have 2 seams, one on either side of the headboard so that the biggest piece of fabric would be in the middle, and would be less visible as a seam.
Problem. I don't own a sewing machine. So, I went into MacFab that is in our area and explained the project, fabric in hand and that I needed 2 seams. The quote for 2 seams...$15. Totally worth it - It was done in less than 24 hours. Plus, they are experienced, and were pros at matching the stripes up. Result - perfect seams, and disaster avoided.
(MacFab sewed my seam)
Next up I got a board from Lowes. I had the board cut to the size I wanted.
next, I bought a piece of 2" foam cut to match. (See resources at the bottom)
I lay the 2" foam that was the exact same size as the board on top of the board and spray adhesived (outside in the open air) the foam to the board. I then put the batting over top so it goes over the edge of the board but I didn't staple the batting just yet. I just made sure I had enough to go around the corners & edges.
I put the board on 2 chairs so I could possition the stripes as I wanted them, and I steamed out any wrinkles. I then crawled UNDER the board on the floor and started taping with a heavy duty tape the fabric to just secure it in the right place. This step could be avoided if I had not chosen a patterned fabric, but possitioning the fabric perfectly was so important so we took great time in the following steps.
Once it was taped up, I flipped it over on to the floor and started stapling the fabric to the board, every so often flipping it over with Aubrey's help to make sure that the lines were still straight.
Once that was done, it was time for the legs. With the left over board from when they cut it to size at Lowes, Aubrey made ugly, but functional legs. You'll never see them, and why waste good material. Screwed the legs to the board and I propped it up behind the bed.
Add in a few 24" pillows on either side making it cozy like a couch.
And for other, most likely better explained tutorials, see these resources that I refrenced in making mine. (1) StyleNest (2) Three Men and a Lady (3) House and Home Magazine
Shopping Resources
Foam & Batting - Bartons Flooring 1276 Queen ST W, Toronto
Fabric for headboard - InVu Drapery & Fabrics
Fabric for pillows - Designer Fabrics
Seamstress to sew the 2 seams - MacFab
MDF Board for the headboard - Lowes (2 cuts are free)
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