New Grass

Back in the Summer we did a Curb Appeal Wish List. One of those things was actually our Shaggy Lawn, that was infested with weeds. Trying to de-weed our lawn was pointless. It was 90% weed, 10% grass. (That may even be generous giving it the 10%). Getting our lawn redone was out of the budget. Although it irritated us so (and likely all of our neighbours) we just couldn't do it. But, rewind to the end of the summer and we discovered that a portion of our front lawn was going to be torn up because of Gas Lines being replaced in our neighbourhood.

(The start to the demo of our front)

The city subcontracted out the landscaping (to fix what they damaged) to a landscaping company. The city regrasses the part that they tore up with new beautiful sod. Yippee! 1/2 our lawn was going to be awesome. ;) !

We asked if they would tear up the rest of our lawn so that the whole front looked consistent. They said no, and admitted that they got that question a lot. Fair enough. But a few weeks ago, asked again, and said if *we* removed the old grass ourselves, would they regrass that part that we removed, if we paid for the new grass? They said yes!

And so, for $100 the landscaping company sodded the whole lawn so it was consistent. So the city paid for the part they tore up, and we paid for the rest.

So it went from....




It's awesome. It's green. It's weed free. (Except for the patch of grass on the VERY right hand side of the photo, which will be removed NEXT spring (when we do a new walkway).

We're quite excited to do a walkway next spring, getting rid of the random patio stones that they used (love the alternating colours, don't you?) What we're trying to figure out is if we hire out, of if doing the walkway is a DIY....


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