Here is a dresser that my Dad let me have (ok, maybe I stole it from their house) when I moved in with Aubrey 5 years ago. I had painted it black, but it REALLY didn't suit our house now.
When the basement was getting painted a few months ago, I decided to do a repainting project. (Since the floors weren't yet installed, it didn't matter if I got paint on the concrete floor)
Unfortunately I don't have a very good before picture, but you can see that the knobs have been changed out and it is, obviously, my new fav colour. :) I'm in love, love with brass knobs, but these blue knobs have caught my eye also. (They are in the top picture) The dresser is in what will be the second bedroom. You can see that the floors have been primed, and I'm going to be painting the walls soon. Right now, I'm avoiding the painting project of that room. No - energy-left.
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