As you know, I adore, and LOVE my Colette bed from Crate and Barrel.
I spotted her 4 years ago on Crate and Barrel's website, and she has made apperances in a number of movies like You, Me, and Dupree, and Superbad. I always squealed with delight whenever I used to see her on the screen.
(Colette Bed from Crate and Barrel in the movie You, Me, And Dupree)
I was able to hold off on buying her for 4 years because we were saving for a house and, Crate and Barrel wasn't yet in Canada. Patience paid off, and C&B came to Toronto last year. :)
If I had seen her today I don't know if I would have had the patience to wait that long to buy her and I don't know if I would have had the stomach to shell out the funds. It helped that we bought her with a lot of aeroplan (airmiles) points that we had saved up over 4 years, that we turned into gift certificates for the Mall, where Crate and Barrel was at. Best-purchase-ever. I know this because I never once saw another bed, in the 4 years that I liked more than her, and I have yet to see another.
However, I appreciate that doing such a purchase as I did, isn't in the cards for everyone, and also, that some people are up for making their own DIY Headboards. I debated making my own headboard, but I had never seen a project online that sparked imagination, until I stumbled upon this post from Sytle Nest awhile back.
She remade the Colette headboard!!
I remembered this post from StyleNest last week when a friend said that her Mom was going to make a headboard and liked ours. I remembered this blog post, and thought I would post it for others as well. Do pop on over, she's a fellow Torontonian too. :)
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