When we moved into the house, the vanity immediately got a place in our bedroom. However, the dark wood was making it a blemish in a room that was filled with pale and soothing colours. I wasn't enjoying the vanity. I kept staring at it thinking that I hated it.
I think I grumbled one too many times and Aubrey finally said to me..."Paint it white". And so, with great anxiety, I took the plunge. Now, it wasn't an easy decision to paint it white like some painting projects that I've done, as the vanity was a sentimental piece as Aubrey had bought it for me. But I was reassured that if it was awful, we could have it stripped, and it would be back to the original wood.
I am SO glad that we did it!
The Vanity is painted in Chantilly Lace by Benjamin Moore, and the new knobs were purchased at Lee Valley. They are the same knobs as my second project for the bedroom which followed later, which was my side table project for beside our bed. (I posted about the side table project over on my work blog here)
You may notice that I decided not to put the mirror up. It just wasn't doing it for me. But I've saved the mirror in case I decided I "re" love it at a later date. :)
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