The background on this style of chair is that my parents have 2 Caned Tub Chairs that I loved and I tried to steal them when we bought the house. My Mom decided that in her re-decorating of their house that hers were going to get reupholstered and what-do-you know, they looked spectacular so they stayed. Boooo. No luck for me on stealing those.
Although I loved the style of my caned tub chairs I was also loving Bergere Chairs like these frames, which my Parents also had. I had even stollen one of their chairs to bring into our house to see if I liked the look (and I did) but I was having a really hard time deciding on a fabric, since Bergere chairs have a lot of upholstery to them. Buying custom is always a bit hard, as I'm someone that likes to put something in a room to see if it works. Custom sale. Something that I find extremely stressful.
Then one evening I was browsing one of my favourite used furniture shops websites and they had just posted a set of chairs that matched my parents caned tub chairs. Like really, really matched. And they were WELL under the budget that I had allocated for the 2 x chair purchase.
I ran down to the store (ok, drove) for when they opened and was keeping my fingers crossed that they were still there. And they were! Even better - Aubrey loved them. :)
So what's the plan for them? I'm leaving the wood as is. I like the dark wood on these. The seats will get reupolstered in some light fabric, as the blue just isn't cutting it for me. I'm on the hunt for a perfect fabric, I think I'll know it when I see it.
If you have a reupolsterer in the Toronto area that you like, can you let me know? I have a seamstress, but she's expressed very clearly that she's not a "reupolsterer" so I'm on the hunt. :)
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