Trip to Ottawa

Aubrey and I snuck off to Ottawa to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. Here is a little collection of photographs! :)

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We stayed at the Chateau Laurier. Ohhh, it was so beautiful.

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When we got to our room, we found this nice treat!

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We went to the Museum of Civilization, one of my favourite museums. Aubrey and I visited the museum together as teenagers when we took a road trip with our friend Ben so it seemed fitting to revisit it!

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I hadnt been back to the Museum for awhile, and the Totem Poles and Art by the Haida were especially interesting to me this time around, as I studied Haida literature with an amazing professor, Professor Sean Kane when I was at Trent University.

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There was a part of the museum that showed wood crafting and how they stored wood. We joked that this was the original Home Depot. (And of course, I took tons of pictures as we giggled at our association to the home renos going on)

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We visited the William Lyon Mackenzie King Estate that is in the Gateneau Hills in Quebec. It was rainy, and muggy, but the gardens were inspirational. We learnt a little about him, on top of what we already knew (10th Prime Minister of Canada) and googled more on him on the drive back to the hotel.

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The drive home was spectacular. The colours on the trees were stunning, and reminded me of why I love our country so much.

And there you have it! We are back, and fully energized for the next round of projects! :)


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